January 22, 2014
Garner Style
Valentine's Day is on it's way and I personally love to dress in traditional Valentine's Day colors, such as red and pink. I also love hearts for this day too. As you are looking for your V-Day looks, I decided to provide a little inspiration for this day. I would also like to say that V-Day is just not for couples. It's just cool to show some love to yourself, as well. In my single girl days, I would buy myself really pretty lingerie for myself. Even though no one else saw it, I felt really fancy.
Style Note: I have found that, for me, thigh highs are nearly impossible to wear even with a garter. The ones that I have been semi successful have come from Hips & Curves. Small legged girls shouldn't have any issues. You can find my outfit posts from a previous Valentine's Day here.