Curvy Girl November: Marilyn Stephens

This month Curvy Couture recognizes Marilyn Stephens as Curvy Girl November. While attending the Bethenny Frankel talk show last September 13, 2013, I was lucky enough to be selected to receive a bra makeover. The stylist who conducted the makeover was Jené Luciani, a fashion and style expert and author of "The Bra Book." Jené had brought a large assortment of Curvy Couture bras which she would use to piece together my new look! After fitting the bras to my size, I made an appearance during the before and after segment of the show. The before was most embarrassing. The after was a real joy.

I am 72 years old and have never worn bras as comfortable as Curvy Couture.

I am 72 years old and have never worn bras as comfortable as the styles from Curvy Couture. I was reluctant to go with an underwire, but the ones from Curvy Couture are so comfortable. I do not pull at the sides, nor the front to "re-fit" or reposition them. They stay where they are supposed to. My daughters and friends have all commented that my tops look better and the "girls" are where they should be. The bras are so soft and comfortable. They wash beautifully, and even after one year have not lost their shape in any way. I have just recently ordered new bras and am trying two of the new styles. I love these bras and would recommend them to anyone and everyone. See the whole video below: 

For her courage and style, Marilyn Stephens is our November Curvy Girl. Are you our next Curvy Girl of the Month? Click here to enter for a chance to win a free lingerie wardrobe and be featured on

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