November 20, 2014
My Top 3 Holiday Survival Tips
It seems like as soon as Halloween is over everyone is already gearing up for the holidays. And it’s blatantly clear they don’t call it the holiday season for nothing! It’s a specific time of year with very specific characteristics. Everything is decorated with glitter, ribbons, and lights, the classic holiday song repertoire can be heard on nearly every radio station and all of those rich, delicious dishes are on the menu again. And still, one of my favorite parts of the holiday season is the shopping! That might sound shallow but I genuinely love buying gifts for others. (Not to brag, but I actually consider awesome gift-giving one of my personal talents). Some people dread it and some people (like me!) can’t wait to snag some deals and find some great gifts for the people I love most. Personally, I'm a huge fan of online shopping. That's my go-to method since I can get nearly everything I need without even leaving my couch. Some people can’t wait to get their hands on some in-store steals on Black Friday but I’m all about online deals and Cyber Monday. I like the diversity of options and the fact that I can easily comparison shop. However, some offers are only available in-store and some people really enjoy the adventure of shopping in-person. So if you’re willing to face the crowds, I’ve put together a list of my top three “survival tips” to make the experience a little more manageable. Some tips are also relevant to online shopping too so homebodies don’t despair!
1. Have a plan! Don’t go shopping (online or off!) without having both a list of people you’re trying to buy for AND a budget. An overall budget for the holiday season and individual budgets for each person will make your life so much easier both now and when the credit card bills start rolling in. It’s even better if you already have an idea of what to get everyone, but that’s a lofty goal that isn’t necessarily always realistic. 2. Do your most difficult shopping first! This may sound counter-intuitive but stay with me. The more decisions you have to make in a day the worse you will get at making them as the day goes on. This is a real phenomenon and it’s called decision fatigue. This New York Times article on the subject indicates: “It’s different from ordinary physical fatigue — you’re not consciously aware of being tired — but you’re low on mental energy.” When you do the hard stuff first you’ll still have the mental energy it takes to make those good decisions when it counts. So if you need to find a gift for your super picky brother-in-law, get that out of the way first and buy for your more-forgiving sister later. This will ensure you are thinking with a clear head and feel less frustrated by then end of the shopping trip. 3. Stay comfortable. This is way easier when you are shopping online since you can literally sit in your Curvy Couture underwear all day and no one’s going to judge you (unless your partner, kids, or housemates are particularly judgmental). However, if you'll be standing in line outside for any special deals, Black Friday or otherwise, be sure to dress warmly. This means a hat, gloves, and scarf. If you’ll be spending extended periods of time shopping make sure you’re wearing comfortable shoes and breathable clothing. Nobody wants to shop while they’re sweaty and their feet hurt. So that’s it! These are the rules that I try to follow to keep my wits about me and snag some great deals while holiday shopping. So what about you? Did I neglect to mention something really important? Do you have some tips that you swear by? Share below!